lunes, 25 de junio de 2018



So+ adjective /adverb

We use so with nouns to mean very, really, or extremely.

Lo usamos con sustantivos para significar muy, muy o extremadamente.
The weather is so hot today.

Such + adjective + noun

We use such with adjective and adverbs to mean very, really, or extremely.

Usamos tales adjetivos y adverbios para significar muy, muy o extremadamente.
He´s such an interesting character.

So/such… that…
We use a “that” clause aften “so and such” to show results or consequences.

Usamos una cláusula "that" después de "so y such" para mostrar resultados o consecuencias.
The  movie was so interesting that I watched it twice.

Too + adjective/adverb

We use too with adjectives and adverbs to say that there is more of something than we need or want.

También usamos adjetivos y adverbios para decir que hay más de lo que necesitamos o queremos.
You´re speaking too fast. Can you speak more slowly, please?

Not + adjective/adverb + enough
We use not…enough with adjectives and adverbs to say that there is less of something than we need or want.

Usamos no ... suficiente con adjetivos y adverbios para decir que hay menos de lo que necesitamos o queremos.
It´s not quiet enoung to study in here.

Too/(not) … enough … to …
We use an infinitive clause after too and (not) … enough to show results or consequences.
Usamos una cláusula infinitiva demaciado y (no) ... suficiente para mostrar resultados o consecuencias
There isn´t enough time to see the show.

The bed was too big to fit in the room.

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  • With separable phrasal verbs, you can put a noun between  the verb and the particle. With non-separable phrasal verbs, you can´t.

with separable phrasal verbs, we always separate the verb in the particle when the object is a pronoun.

  • Con separable phrasal verbs, puedes poner un sustantivo entre el verbo y la partícula. Con verbos compuestos no separables, no puedes.

Con separable phrasal verbs, siempre separamos el verbo en la partícula cuando el objeto es un pronombre.

separable phrasal verbs
Verb + paritcle + noun
Verb + noun/pronoun + particle
I don´t have to write down the information.
I don´t have to writen the information down.
I don´t have to write it down.
I don´t have to write down it. (X)
Non-separable phrasal verbs
Verb + particle (+ preposition) + noun/pronoun
I didn´t get along with my colleagues.

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Would (always/never) + base form
Used to talk about habits or customs in the past.

Se utiliza para hablar sobre los hábitos o costumbres en el pasado.
Sara would never remember to buy milk on her way home.
(always/never) used to + base form
Used to talk about habits or customs in the past, or to express something that was true in the past, but is no longer true.

Se utiliza para hablar sobre los hábitos o costumbres en el pasado, o para expresar algo que era cierto en el pasado, pero ya no es así.
The wind always used to blow really hard in Montreal.
When I was younger, I used to have short hair.
Be + always + -ing form (presento r past  progresive)
Used to talk about habits or customs in the present and past.

Se utiliza para hablar sobre los hábitos o costumbres en el presente y pasado.
They are always laughing and joking.
He was always singing.

Video complementario



Simple past
-ed,irregular forms (was,had,etc.)


Used to describe a completed event, action, or state in the past. it is usually the main tense used to talk about the past.
 Se usa para describir un evento, acción o estado completado en el pasado. Usualmente es el tiempo principal usado para hablar sobre el pasado.


I grew up in Minnesota.
They spoke to us in a diferent language.

Simple past with did for emphasis
Did+base form

Used to describe a completed event, action, or state in the past and is used for emphasis often for contrast.

Se usa para describir un evento, acción o estado completado en el pasado y se usa para enfatizar a menudo el contraste.

    A.      You didn’t find it difficult to settle in when you came to the U.S.A.,right?
    B. Not really, but I did feel a sense of culture shock at first.


Past progressive
Was/were + -ing form

Used to describe actions or states in progress at a particular time in the past. It is often used to describe background action(e.g.,the weather).

Se usa para describir acciones o estados en progreso en un momento particular en el pasado. A menudo se usa para describir la acción de fondo (por ejemplo, el clima).

Two years ago, I was living in Canada and researching the customs of indigenous communities.
Past perfect had+past participle

Used to describe a completed event, action, or state that took place before another past event, action, or state. It is used to talk about things that happened before the main action.

Se usa para describir un evento, acción o estado completado que tuvo lugar antes de otro evento, acción o estado pasado. Se usa para hablar sobre cosas que sucedieron antes de la acción principal.

We practiced  the traditional activities that our parents had taugh us.