lunes, 25 de junio de 2018



So+ adjective /adverb

We use so with nouns to mean very, really, or extremely.

Lo usamos con sustantivos para significar muy, muy o extremadamente.
The weather is so hot today.

Such + adjective + noun

We use such with adjective and adverbs to mean very, really, or extremely.

Usamos tales adjetivos y adverbios para significar muy, muy o extremadamente.
He´s such an interesting character.

So/such… that…
We use a “that” clause aften “so and such” to show results or consequences.

Usamos una cláusula "that" después de "so y such" para mostrar resultados o consecuencias.
The  movie was so interesting that I watched it twice.

Too + adjective/adverb

We use too with adjectives and adverbs to say that there is more of something than we need or want.

También usamos adjetivos y adverbios para decir que hay más de lo que necesitamos o queremos.
You´re speaking too fast. Can you speak more slowly, please?

Not + adjective/adverb + enough
We use not…enough with adjectives and adverbs to say that there is less of something than we need or want.

Usamos no ... suficiente con adjetivos y adverbios para decir que hay menos de lo que necesitamos o queremos.
It´s not quiet enoung to study in here.

Too/(not) … enough … to …
We use an infinitive clause after too and (not) … enough to show results or consequences.
Usamos una cláusula infinitiva demaciado y (no) ... suficiente para mostrar resultados o consecuencias
There isn´t enough time to see the show.

The bed was too big to fit in the room.

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