lunes, 25 de junio de 2018



Simple past
-ed,irregular forms (was,had,etc.)


Used to describe a completed event, action, or state in the past. it is usually the main tense used to talk about the past.
 Se usa para describir un evento, acción o estado completado en el pasado. Usualmente es el tiempo principal usado para hablar sobre el pasado.


I grew up in Minnesota.
They spoke to us in a diferent language.

Simple past with did for emphasis
Did+base form

Used to describe a completed event, action, or state in the past and is used for emphasis often for contrast.

Se usa para describir un evento, acción o estado completado en el pasado y se usa para enfatizar a menudo el contraste.

    A.      You didn’t find it difficult to settle in when you came to the U.S.A.,right?
    B. Not really, but I did feel a sense of culture shock at first.


Past progressive
Was/were + -ing form

Used to describe actions or states in progress at a particular time in the past. It is often used to describe background action(e.g.,the weather).

Se usa para describir acciones o estados en progreso en un momento particular en el pasado. A menudo se usa para describir la acción de fondo (por ejemplo, el clima).

Two years ago, I was living in Canada and researching the customs of indigenous communities.
Past perfect had+past participle

Used to describe a completed event, action, or state that took place before another past event, action, or state. It is used to talk about things that happened before the main action.

Se usa para describir un evento, acción o estado completado que tuvo lugar antes de otro evento, acción o estado pasado. Se usa para hablar sobre cosas que sucedieron antes de la acción principal.

We practiced  the traditional activities that our parents had taugh us.

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